I am having problems finding regular players to play at my home games. Right now I have just 3 regular players (including me). And that, is pathetic.
2 years ago we started promisingly, with no less than 6 players at every session. Sometimes we would have a full ring game of 10 players even. Of course, we know all our players, either directly or indirectly. There was no rake involved. All one has to do was to show up, chip up and play. We were all kind of starting to learn the game then.
Over the course of the 2 years, players come and players go. The one consistent fact was the dwindling in numbers. Winning players stayed on, while players who lost consistently eventually faded out of the scene.
You see, poker is a game of skill. Of course, like any games there are elements of luck. But in poker, the skill factor stands out more than in any other card games I know of. Let’s make some comparison with the other popular game:
Mahjong – well, still a favorite amongst Singaporeans. I felt that the skill level in mahjong is pretty much even among most players, which in the end the luck factor becomes predominant. In mahjong, you can be the best player in the world, but if you hold lousy cards you are not going to win, even if you defend like nobody’s business. The other players can always draw the winning cards themselves, or other player B can throw the winning tile to player C (in most home games in Singapore, the player who throw the winning tile to another has to pay double, while the remaining 2 players still have to pay, unless got bao lah..)
As you know, mathematically speaking, luck evens out in the long run. And as such, sometimes player A wins, sometimes player b wins, sometimes player c wins and sometimes player d wins. As long as the skill levels between the players are more or less the same, in the long run nobody has any significant advantage over the others. So financially speaking, home-game mahjong is a much more enduring game.
But in poker, the skill level contributes significantly to one’s bottomline. In poker, you can win even without the best hands (by getting other players to fold). You can limit your liability at anytime simply by throwing away your hands (unlike in mahjong where you still have to pay even when player B threw a winning tile to player C). In poker, you can choose which hands to play, unlike in mahjong where you have to play every hand (even though if you decided to play guard you are also exposed to damage from some suckers who threw tiles for others to win, or the players themselves drew the winning cards).
So what happened to my home games? Well, in short, only 3 players who won consistently remained. The others simply faded out, either through not enjoying the game (cos always lose), or lose until decided not worthwhile a game to play. Who can blame them?
Furthermore, I do not invite just about anyone to my home games. They must be vouched for by people I know (tacitly of course… meaning if you introduced someone to play at my house I assume that person friendly and trustworthy at the very minimum). This of course limits the pool severely.
What is the future for my home games? Well, frankly I don’t know. I just know that I enjoy the game, partly because I win quite consistently, and that I don’t play for financial reasons.
Another thing is that my wife has to approve me playing (which will, incidentally increase my chances of winning..!). If not I could have walked into the numerous games that are sprouting out there, where one has to play with strangers who are hell-bent on taking all your monies. I don’t think my wife wholly approves me playing at such games, well not regularly anyway.
Still I prefer my home games, because it is where I am comfortable (hey free drinks and tidbits provided, all you need to do is to just ask politely :)
Family Image
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The subject of Curiosity has propped up in my mind many a times, not the least recently, when I observed my son, Ethan.
Ethan, 13 months old, exhibits a consistent curious behavior which, more often than not, impresses me with wonder, fatherly happiness and pride. The flip side of this, of course, is having to watch him all the time during his waking hours, to protect him from potential dangers that lurk and await an unsuspecting explorer.
I myself is a curious person, always questioning, always seeking answers to what may seem to others the most mundane of affairs. From my observation of Ethan so far, I guess he has inherited a huge dose of me in that particular faculty.
So, what is curiosity? A quick check at wikipedia: "Curiosity is an emotion related to natural inquisitive behaviour such as exploration, investigation, and learning, evident by observation in human and many animal species."
I consider curiosity as an innate endowment to the human nature, for it is most keenly displayed at the youngest of age, when one is still relatvely untouched by his social and cultural environment. I believe it is one of the most compelling reasons why human has risen above all other species.
Einstein said:"The important thing is not to stop questioning… Never lose a holy curiosity."
Once during the early days in my first year at high school, my teacher mentioned something about canoe and canoeing to the class. I did not know that word then, and as such with all youthful exuberence i raised my hands and asked:"what's a canoe?". To which the class erupted into laughter, and i was to learn later, maybe a hint of sneer. I was ignorant, and what's more, I had the audacity to ask in front of the whole class. The most direct rewards of this little episode were:
1. I learn what a canoe was.
2. I became the talk of the town. Some classmates would come to me thereafter, and ask me:" hey, what's a canoe? haha..."
On hindsight and many years later, I thought the teacher could do more by "politely reminding" the class that it is okay to ask questions. That it is okay to know that one is ignorant and learn. Isn't that the purpose of a classroom?
Our social and cultural environment affects the way we behave, even the way we think sometimes; our surroundings either suppress or promote our actions and thoughts.
Of course, nowadays I am more discreet about being so openly ignorant of certain subjects to certain people. While admitting that things need not be this way, I have often found myself being pressured to comply to society's norm.
I guess a simple way of determining whether is it right or wrong to act in a particular circumstance, a litmus test of right and wrong, would be to ask the question:"what would I wish my child would do if he is confronted with this circumstance?"
What would I wish my child would do if he doesn't know what a canoe is?
1. Just brush it aside and continue not knowing. (hmm...)
2. Take note of the word and go check a dictionary or ask somebody in private. (A bit too cynical and world-weary for my liking at this tender age)
3. Simply raise up his hands and ask the question straightaway. (Well you should know my stand by now)
Now, what would you wish and teach your child do?
Ethan, 13 months old, exhibits a consistent curious behavior which, more often than not, impresses me with wonder, fatherly happiness and pride. The flip side of this, of course, is having to watch him all the time during his waking hours, to protect him from potential dangers that lurk and await an unsuspecting explorer.
I myself is a curious person, always questioning, always seeking answers to what may seem to others the most mundane of affairs. From my observation of Ethan so far, I guess he has inherited a huge dose of me in that particular faculty.
So, what is curiosity? A quick check at wikipedia: "Curiosity is an emotion related to natural inquisitive behaviour such as exploration, investigation, and learning, evident by observation in human and many animal species."
I consider curiosity as an innate endowment to the human nature, for it is most keenly displayed at the youngest of age, when one is still relatvely untouched by his social and cultural environment. I believe it is one of the most compelling reasons why human has risen above all other species.
Einstein said:"The important thing is not to stop questioning… Never lose a holy curiosity."
Once during the early days in my first year at high school, my teacher mentioned something about canoe and canoeing to the class. I did not know that word then, and as such with all youthful exuberence i raised my hands and asked:"what's a canoe?". To which the class erupted into laughter, and i was to learn later, maybe a hint of sneer. I was ignorant, and what's more, I had the audacity to ask in front of the whole class. The most direct rewards of this little episode were:
1. I learn what a canoe was.
2. I became the talk of the town. Some classmates would come to me thereafter, and ask me:" hey, what's a canoe? haha..."
On hindsight and many years later, I thought the teacher could do more by "politely reminding" the class that it is okay to ask questions. That it is okay to know that one is ignorant and learn. Isn't that the purpose of a classroom?
Our social and cultural environment affects the way we behave, even the way we think sometimes; our surroundings either suppress or promote our actions and thoughts.
Of course, nowadays I am more discreet about being so openly ignorant of certain subjects to certain people. While admitting that things need not be this way, I have often found myself being pressured to comply to society's norm.
I guess a simple way of determining whether is it right or wrong to act in a particular circumstance, a litmus test of right and wrong, would be to ask the question:"what would I wish my child would do if he is confronted with this circumstance?"
What would I wish my child would do if he doesn't know what a canoe is?
1. Just brush it aside and continue not knowing. (hmm...)
2. Take note of the word and go check a dictionary or ask somebody in private. (A bit too cynical and world-weary for my liking at this tender age)
3. Simply raise up his hands and ask the question straightaway. (Well you should know my stand by now)
Now, what would you wish and teach your child do?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Security Analysis
Today I finally opened my share account, at the tender age of 33...
Well, some smart alec with a proven track record once observed:
"Rule 1: Never lose money"
Rule 2: Never forget Rule 1"
Cool... I shall apply that.
Well, some smart alec with a proven track record once observed:
"Rule 1: Never lose money"
Rule 2: Never forget Rule 1"
Cool... I shall apply that.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Youtube Device Added
Yes :)
added a new device. now can recommend good videos to my readers!
First to start with, and hot on the heels of Jap Anime, let me introduce the music video of Macross "Do You Remember Love".
A little background on the Macross story:
Uh, other than the war between human and alien, the story is also about the love triangle between the lead male character Hikaru Ichijyo (ace pilot, naturally..), female lead, Lynn Minmay (interstellar singer... naturally), and Misa Hiyase (uh.. an officer aboard the ship). Of course everyone is rooting for Hikaru and Minmay to be together; but like any classic jap love story, they were not to be (sorry for the spoiler, but i feel it is important to relate the ending here).
So, enjoy the music videos :)
Superb song, more than 20 years alreadi...
added a new device. now can recommend good videos to my readers!
First to start with, and hot on the heels of Jap Anime, let me introduce the music video of Macross "Do You Remember Love".
A little background on the Macross story:
Uh, other than the war between human and alien, the story is also about the love triangle between the lead male character Hikaru Ichijyo (ace pilot, naturally..), female lead, Lynn Minmay (interstellar singer... naturally), and Misa Hiyase (uh.. an officer aboard the ship). Of course everyone is rooting for Hikaru and Minmay to be together; but like any classic jap love story, they were not to be (sorry for the spoiler, but i feel it is important to relate the ending here).
So, enjoy the music videos :)
Superb song, more than 20 years alreadi...
Monday, July 13, 2009
Finally a Macross toy, yes!!! 25th Anniversary VF-1S 1/48
Last Friday got half-day in-camp. Got early released, nothing to do, so went with my camp mates to China Square to check out Macross toys.
Well, there you see! My first Macross toy!!! A limted edition 25th Anniversary VF-1S, 1/48 scale!
I've been a fan of Macross since primary school. Always liked the concept and storyline. And after so many years, I finally bought a Macross toy! Happy!
Umm... my wife asked me how much it cost... i told her $80... so lets just remain at that... :)
ps: i'm still learning how to transform the toy. Trust me, its not easy. I think i better consult youtube instructional videos..
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Of Ways to Buy and Sell Money
Consider this:
Country A has a lot of bad debts. Country A needs money to clear its bad debts, so it prints more money to sell so as to clear its toxic debts.
Country B buys the money Country A prints. But why would Country B be willing to buy Country A's money?
Country A must have, or must be producing, or must be credible enough to promise to produce what Country B wants right?
Now, replace "Country A" with the "United States", and Country "B" with the rest of the world.
There you have the simple answer.
Country A has a lot of bad debts. Country A needs money to clear its bad debts, so it prints more money to sell so as to clear its toxic debts.
Country B buys the money Country A prints. But why would Country B be willing to buy Country A's money?
Country A must have, or must be producing, or must be credible enough to promise to produce what Country B wants right?
Now, replace "Country A" with the "United States", and Country "B" with the rest of the world.
There you have the simple answer.
Ethan with his Paternal Great Grandparents

Ethan with paternal Great-grandma and Great-granddad!
My grandma used to tell me faster get married, faster have kids... that if I am fortunate enough she will witness all these. Words direct from heart and love, as can only be spoken between the closest of relationships.
I am starting to realise the significance of these words. Still perhaps, and most probably, I have yet much more to learn and to act...
Monday, July 6, 2009
Of Bernie, Owen and Manchester United
First off, I have to add my dear friend, Bernie to the title, simply because he is the impetus for me writing this piece. Also, the chance of putting him in the same title together with my beloved club Manchester United, provides enough sinister pleasure to spend some time writing.
Well then, Owen. I say, why not? I liken him to Sheringham.... the latter scored in United's Champions League Final of '99 rite? Both Owen and Ferguson are pragmatists and realists, who have track records that inspire the idealists (wow..). So, the coming of Owen is good.
Well, i've read Steven Gerrard's autobiography. He said he could never have played for Manchester United. Because his family, he neighbourhood and everything he holds dear, forbids him to join United. Any other club but United. Well, as you have read from my pervious posts, for this reason alone, he will remain the tragic hero of anfield. Had he joined United years ago, he would have laid claim to multiple premiership championships, no doubt. But he chose to remain at anfield, and he claims he is happy. I believe him. Let's move on.
So will i welcome Owen to Old Trafford? Of the course! I admire talent, and I have no legacy burden of such magnitude as to compel me to hate a particular player or club, so what is to stop me from celebrating a proven talent from joining Manchester United?
ps: Speaking of celebration... hmm.. i have to confess.. you know, on that night of the Champions League Final between United and Barca.. I was waiting for the game to start (at 3am or something...). It was like 1am plus.. so i ordered McDelivery to celebrate..
But after eating.. i was overcome with sleepiness.. so i thought i better lie down for a short while.. anyway still got around 2 hours to kick off mah...
I woke up at 5.30 am.. on the TV... United lost 0-2... nbz..
Sorri United.. had I not ordered McDelivery, i would not have been so sleepy after the meal, n i would not have gone to lie down, and i would not have over-napped.. n you would not have lost... I know this is the Butterfly Effect at work... Sorry once again.. won't fail you next season!
Well then, Owen. I say, why not? I liken him to Sheringham.... the latter scored in United's Champions League Final of '99 rite? Both Owen and Ferguson are pragmatists and realists, who have track records that inspire the idealists (wow..). So, the coming of Owen is good.
Well, i've read Steven Gerrard's autobiography. He said he could never have played for Manchester United. Because his family, he neighbourhood and everything he holds dear, forbids him to join United. Any other club but United. Well, as you have read from my pervious posts, for this reason alone, he will remain the tragic hero of anfield. Had he joined United years ago, he would have laid claim to multiple premiership championships, no doubt. But he chose to remain at anfield, and he claims he is happy. I believe him. Let's move on.
So will i welcome Owen to Old Trafford? Of the course! I admire talent, and I have no legacy burden of such magnitude as to compel me to hate a particular player or club, so what is to stop me from celebrating a proven talent from joining Manchester United?
ps: Speaking of celebration... hmm.. i have to confess.. you know, on that night of the Champions League Final between United and Barca.. I was waiting for the game to start (at 3am or something...). It was like 1am plus.. so i ordered McDelivery to celebrate..
But after eating.. i was overcome with sleepiness.. so i thought i better lie down for a short while.. anyway still got around 2 hours to kick off mah...
I woke up at 5.30 am.. on the TV... United lost 0-2... nbz..
Sorri United.. had I not ordered McDelivery, i would not have been so sleepy after the meal, n i would not have gone to lie down, and i would not have over-napped.. n you would not have lost... I know this is the Butterfly Effect at work... Sorry once again.. won't fail you next season!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Michael Jackson Passes On
One of my earliest memories of Michael Jackson was his Thriller MTV, where he transformed into some sort of monster zombie dancing around the streets. I was amazed, and at the same time scared (hey i was very young then...).
Fast forward a couple of years later, during my secondary school years, I watched his Dangerous music videos on the MTV Countdown shows on Channel 5 every Friday nights. I was blown away by the special effects and exquisite details that were incomparable to any mvs of its days and of present day too. There was the mv "Black or White", co-starring the young Home Alone star, Macaulay Culkin; then there was the "Remember the Time" mv, where Jackson travelled to the lavish Egyptian royal courts where Eddie Murphy was the Pharoah; superb... superb...
It is fair to say Jackson's mvs and music left indelible impressions on my formative years.
You see I believed in magic when I was young, and still do. And, in no small ways, Jackson's mvs reaffirm that belief.
Thank you Michael Jackson.
One of my earliest memories of Michael Jackson was his Thriller MTV, where he transformed into some sort of monster zombie dancing around the streets. I was amazed, and at the same time scared (hey i was very young then...).
Fast forward a couple of years later, during my secondary school years, I watched his Dangerous music videos on the MTV Countdown shows on Channel 5 every Friday nights. I was blown away by the special effects and exquisite details that were incomparable to any mvs of its days and of present day too. There was the mv "Black or White", co-starring the young Home Alone star, Macaulay Culkin; then there was the "Remember the Time" mv, where Jackson travelled to the lavish Egyptian royal courts where Eddie Murphy was the Pharoah; superb... superb...
It is fair to say Jackson's mvs and music left indelible impressions on my formative years.
You see I believed in magic when I was young, and still do. And, in no small ways, Jackson's mvs reaffirm that belief.
Thank you Michael Jackson.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
CR7 departs Old Trafford
Well, the biggest transfer news in football - Cristiano Ronaldo leaves United.
Hmm.. some thoughts I'd like to share.
First off, i think its time for him to leave. Any self-respecting united fan would concur with me. we just cannot stand the nonsense seasons after seasons... its better the "source" leave. After all, the team is bigger than any single player.
Second, what is likely to happen after CR left? If recent history is any indication, I'd say not much impact. Cantona left, united went on to win the historic treble; beckham left, united continued winning; van nistelroy left, united still dominated; roy keane left, united still won the Champions League and Premier League.... note that the players I mentioned were super dominant in the team, super high profile during their time there..., etc.
But United continues to be a winning team. There is only 1 obvious constant over the years.... yes... the General - SAF aka Sir Alex Ferguson. He is the MAN. As long as he is in charge i feel as comfortable as any decent fan can feel. I liken feeling to be when Michael Jordan was with the Chicago Bulls - you kinda feel nothing can go too much wrong.
my prediction for next season? United - Champions of England, again. Liverpool - battling in relegation zone.
Hmm.. some thoughts I'd like to share.
First off, i think its time for him to leave. Any self-respecting united fan would concur with me. we just cannot stand the nonsense seasons after seasons... its better the "source" leave. After all, the team is bigger than any single player.
Second, what is likely to happen after CR left? If recent history is any indication, I'd say not much impact. Cantona left, united went on to win the historic treble; beckham left, united continued winning; van nistelroy left, united still dominated; roy keane left, united still won the Champions League and Premier League.... note that the players I mentioned were super dominant in the team, super high profile during their time there..., etc.
But United continues to be a winning team. There is only 1 obvious constant over the years.... yes... the General - SAF aka Sir Alex Ferguson. He is the MAN. As long as he is in charge i feel as comfortable as any decent fan can feel. I liken feeling to be when Michael Jordan was with the Chicago Bulls - you kinda feel nothing can go too much wrong.
my prediction for next season? United - Champions of England, again. Liverpool - battling in relegation zone.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Manchester United Crowned Champions of England for the 18th Time!
Congratulations to all Manchester United fans, management, players, supporters!
My blog on 26th March 2009, an answer to not-so-anonymous critics who know who they are, proves to be dead-on spot-on!
Yeah! On with the celebrations!! Bright bright day today is!
Well, i don't have to do this, but well, why not: if I may allow a slight tinge of dark humor amidst this wonderful sunny celebration, I'd like to hear Man Utd's rivals' woeful predictions as to how Manchester United is STILL one short of overtaking the 18th championship hurdle.
Of course, I may be confronted with sulky silence from these guys. After all, how do one argue with success?
My blog on 26th March 2009, an answer to not-so-anonymous critics who know who they are, proves to be dead-on spot-on!
Yeah! On with the celebrations!! Bright bright day today is!
Well, i don't have to do this, but well, why not: if I may allow a slight tinge of dark humor amidst this wonderful sunny celebration, I'd like to hear Man Utd's rivals' woeful predictions as to how Manchester United is STILL one short of overtaking the 18th championship hurdle.
Of course, I may be confronted with sulky silence from these guys. After all, how do one argue with success?
Monday, April 6, 2009
Man Utd GO GO GO!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Man Utd vs Liverpool
OK guys,
as promised I am writing something on this subject. I will keep it short and simple.
Will Liverpool finally win the Top Division domestic league and as such end a 19 year drought? Will Man Utd win this year's league and thus equal Liverpool's 18th league title record?
First off. Liverpool will not win the title while Gerrard is still around. Him winning the Premiership would really make a potential romantic tragic hero story, well, just unrealised potential. History prefers to spin drama - and she has Gerrard as the main cast for this particular thread (if it is any consolation, we know Gerrard makes millions in this role).
Second. Man Utd will equal Liverpool's record this very season. History compels that they do. Drama demands it. Also, until Ferguson finally retires in 100 years time, Man Utd will continue to have the winning mentality that all her Premiership colleagues lack, and thus win.
I have no idea why after 19 years of chronic defeats there are still non-resident Liverpool fans, especially those age below 35 this year.* What is so appealing about failures and disasters?** Except maybe the secret twisted desire to see how long it will last? Maybe it provides comfort to some of us, not unlike the fact that some of us prefer not-so-good news on TV, especially after a hard day at work. And if that is the case, then I think Liverpool will lose a lot of fans when they eventually do win the title.
Ok Man Utd. How do you argue with success? What is wrong with jumping onto the bandwagon of a consistently winning team? Don't we celebrate success anymore?
*Of course Tony, my brother, and a Liverpool fan, is different and exempt from my arguments :).
** Any true supporter has to agree that not winning the domestic title for 19 years, is in fact both disaster and failure.
as promised I am writing something on this subject. I will keep it short and simple.
Will Liverpool finally win the Top Division domestic league and as such end a 19 year drought? Will Man Utd win this year's league and thus equal Liverpool's 18th league title record?
First off. Liverpool will not win the title while Gerrard is still around. Him winning the Premiership would really make a potential romantic tragic hero story, well, just unrealised potential. History prefers to spin drama - and she has Gerrard as the main cast for this particular thread (if it is any consolation, we know Gerrard makes millions in this role).
Second. Man Utd will equal Liverpool's record this very season. History compels that they do. Drama demands it. Also, until Ferguson finally retires in 100 years time, Man Utd will continue to have the winning mentality that all her Premiership colleagues lack, and thus win.
I have no idea why after 19 years of chronic defeats there are still non-resident Liverpool fans, especially those age below 35 this year.* What is so appealing about failures and disasters?** Except maybe the secret twisted desire to see how long it will last? Maybe it provides comfort to some of us, not unlike the fact that some of us prefer not-so-good news on TV, especially after a hard day at work. And if that is the case, then I think Liverpool will lose a lot of fans when they eventually do win the title.
Ok Man Utd. How do you argue with success? What is wrong with jumping onto the bandwagon of a consistently winning team? Don't we celebrate success anymore?
*Of course Tony, my brother, and a Liverpool fan, is different and exempt from my arguments :).
** Any true supporter has to agree that not winning the domestic title for 19 years, is in fact both disaster and failure.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Happy Birthday My Wife!
Yes! My wife hits 3 cards today!
For her presents I ordered from Manchester United Online Shopping: 1 Home jersey with Number 10 Rooney ladies fit, 1 Home jersey with Number 10 Rooney man's, 1 baby's jersey full home kit, 1 baby's pack complete with cap. Total damage around USD$250. and also a complementary free Man Utd flag!
Hey, there's no more perfect reason to get the whole family Man Utd kit right, ya!
Ethan seems to be able to just big enough to fit the baby's pack, although the jersey kit seems a bit big for him at the moment (I ordered the 12-18 months size). Hmm.. not bad.. Ethan's as big as the European Ang Mohs! Sure can jostle with them no problem! Watch out for him in 16 years time - he'll grace the European football stage in spectacular style! (thats assuming our Asian stage haven't caught up by then....).
Oh, and I think i can fit into the "L" size i orderd. Lucky I was realistic enough to resist the 'M' size option...
And oh, I forgot about my wife... hmm she's been hinting I might be neglecting her. Short answer: No, no way! Long answer, let me explain:
You see, when you know how to ride a bicycle, or know how to swim, you'll know how to do it for the rest of your life. You'll stop thinking about it even when you are doing it, but that doesn't mean you forget, does it? When I first memorise the multiplication table, I thought about it everyday (lest i got whacked - ok that's putting it a bit far-fetch but you get my point). But when I learned the table, I dun have to think about it anymore. It has become a part of me, instinctively and intuitively. And thats the way it is the same with me my wife. She has become a part of me.
Touching huh?
You see, I am a romantic person. On my best days I put Cassanova to shame. I'm a Piscean with Pisces ascendant, after all.
I wish my wife a very Happy Birthday.
ps* : I wanted to write about Candy, how we met, how was she like then, and how's she now, etc, etc... But I have to deny the readers this privilege, I'm not ready to share her with the world yet. Have I told you I am a Piscean with Pisces ascendant and Scorpio moon sign?
For her presents I ordered from Manchester United Online Shopping: 1 Home jersey with Number 10 Rooney ladies fit, 1 Home jersey with Number 10 Rooney man's, 1 baby's jersey full home kit, 1 baby's pack complete with cap. Total damage around USD$250. and also a complementary free Man Utd flag!
Hey, there's no more perfect reason to get the whole family Man Utd kit right, ya!
Ethan seems to be able to just big enough to fit the baby's pack, although the jersey kit seems a bit big for him at the moment (I ordered the 12-18 months size). Hmm.. not bad.. Ethan's as big as the European Ang Mohs! Sure can jostle with them no problem! Watch out for him in 16 years time - he'll grace the European football stage in spectacular style! (thats assuming our Asian stage haven't caught up by then....).
Oh, and I think i can fit into the "L" size i orderd. Lucky I was realistic enough to resist the 'M' size option...
And oh, I forgot about my wife... hmm she's been hinting I might be neglecting her. Short answer: No, no way! Long answer, let me explain:
You see, when you know how to ride a bicycle, or know how to swim, you'll know how to do it for the rest of your life. You'll stop thinking about it even when you are doing it, but that doesn't mean you forget, does it? When I first memorise the multiplication table, I thought about it everyday (lest i got whacked - ok that's putting it a bit far-fetch but you get my point). But when I learned the table, I dun have to think about it anymore. It has become a part of me, instinctively and intuitively. And thats the way it is the same with me my wife. She has become a part of me.
Touching huh?
You see, I am a romantic person. On my best days I put Cassanova to shame. I'm a Piscean with Pisces ascendant, after all.
I wish my wife a very Happy Birthday.
ps* : I wanted to write about Candy, how we met, how was she like then, and how's she now, etc, etc... But I have to deny the readers this privilege, I'm not ready to share her with the world yet. Have I told you I am a Piscean with Pisces ascendant and Scorpio moon sign?
Friday, February 27, 2009
Reading Time Ethan!

Ethan likes to read! From the picture you can see that he is browsing through the "Alpha Centauri Strategy Guide", which I bought in Melbourne years ago. I'm seeding the concepts like "theory of everything", "relativity theory", "quantum theory", "string theory", etc, in him early. Well you never know he might just be very interested in such things! Not that I am expert in such things, but I too have had been interested in such things, but never gotten pass the introductory stages.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Car Thieves in Singapore
Recently I cam across numerous reports on cars being broken into in public carparks in Singapore. http://www.asiaone.com/Motoring/Owners/Story/A1Story20090211-121206.html
I am not sure if there is an actual increase in such crimes, or simply due to more reporting from the relevant media on such cases. But if there is really an increase in cases of cars being broken into and stuffs stolen, then this development is a cause for concern.
Lets look at some points at hand:
Fact: In such crimes, usually the cars are being stripped of their accessories (like gauges, steroes, etc), and sometimes even the wheels!
Fact: Modus operandi is breaking of the windshield to get to the items inside, and or jacking up the car to steal the wheels.
Fact: The locations in which the crimes took place are in public carparks.
From the above points we can put up an imaginary, but realistic settings like this:
I drive home after a day, park my beloved car at my usual carpark spot, which is 4th floor at the multistorey. I park high up, even though there are empty slots at lower floors, because I want to minimise the chances of my car being scratched accidentally or kenna a chip from a careless door opening fromneighbouring cars. I have many performance items installed in my car, even my wheels (forged rims) are imported from Japan which costs $650 per rim.
Next morning I discovered my car's windshield was broken, all my performance gauges ripped off, my $2,000 stereo unit stolen, my $43 cash card gone, my Emanage Ultimate engine management unit which cost me $2,000 has gone too. And most embarrassingly, my imported wheels, which cost me $1,000 per rim including the tyres, are gone. And my car sits stupidly on 4 bricks. Also, my personal laptop was stolen from my car boot as well.
I reported the case to the police. But alas, the case is very unlikely to be solved. I am not so sure if the police places these type of cases high on their priority, because this concerns a car, and nobody was physically injured. I feel extremely sad and am very frustrated.
Ok guys, do I deserve this plight? Do I deserve this because I spend so much money on my car? Do I deserve this because my car is considered "too loud", or a "thief magnet"? http://motoring.asiaone.com/Motoring/Owners/Story/A1Story20090130-118246.html
Do I deserve that my laptop be stolen just because I leave it in my car?
If I deserve this, then can I also successfully argue that a woman deserves to be raped just because she spends too much on her physical appearance and wear too revealing a blouse, and chooses to walk alone in a dark alley at night?
The answer is of course "NO"! Not in OUR society! Not in SINGAPORE!
And what makes this even worse is that it happens in a public place in our housing neighbourhood where we live, in broad daylight (ok night); plus also the fact that the thieves even have the temerity to steal the wheels (with all the jacking up, unscrewing, etc...)! This means they feel comfortable enough that they have enough time to commit the crime.
If this is a trend that is growing, then i consider that THIS IS A DIRECT AND QUITE OPEN CHALLENGE ON THE AUTHORITY, I type the words in capital letters just in case they miss this important point.
And just in case the readers forget, nobody openly challenges our authority with crime and gets away (easily).
Relevant readers, take note.
I am not sure if there is an actual increase in such crimes, or simply due to more reporting from the relevant media on such cases. But if there is really an increase in cases of cars being broken into and stuffs stolen, then this development is a cause for concern.
Lets look at some points at hand:
Fact: In such crimes, usually the cars are being stripped of their accessories (like gauges, steroes, etc), and sometimes even the wheels!
Fact: Modus operandi is breaking of the windshield to get to the items inside, and or jacking up the car to steal the wheels.
Fact: The locations in which the crimes took place are in public carparks.
From the above points we can put up an imaginary, but realistic settings like this:
I drive home after a day, park my beloved car at my usual carpark spot, which is 4th floor at the multistorey. I park high up, even though there are empty slots at lower floors, because I want to minimise the chances of my car being scratched accidentally or kenna a chip from a careless door opening fromneighbouring cars. I have many performance items installed in my car, even my wheels (forged rims) are imported from Japan which costs $650 per rim.
Next morning I discovered my car's windshield was broken, all my performance gauges ripped off, my $2,000 stereo unit stolen, my $43 cash card gone, my Emanage Ultimate engine management unit which cost me $2,000 has gone too. And most embarrassingly, my imported wheels, which cost me $1,000 per rim including the tyres, are gone. And my car sits stupidly on 4 bricks. Also, my personal laptop was stolen from my car boot as well.
I reported the case to the police. But alas, the case is very unlikely to be solved. I am not so sure if the police places these type of cases high on their priority, because this concerns a car, and nobody was physically injured. I feel extremely sad and am very frustrated.
Ok guys, do I deserve this plight? Do I deserve this because I spend so much money on my car? Do I deserve this because my car is considered "too loud", or a "thief magnet"? http://motoring.asiaone.com/Motoring/Owners/Story/A1Story20090130-118246.html
Do I deserve that my laptop be stolen just because I leave it in my car?
If I deserve this, then can I also successfully argue that a woman deserves to be raped just because she spends too much on her physical appearance and wear too revealing a blouse, and chooses to walk alone in a dark alley at night?
The answer is of course "NO"! Not in OUR society! Not in SINGAPORE!
And what makes this even worse is that it happens in a public place in our housing neighbourhood where we live, in broad daylight (ok night); plus also the fact that the thieves even have the temerity to steal the wheels (with all the jacking up, unscrewing, etc...)! This means they feel comfortable enough that they have enough time to commit the crime.
If this is a trend that is growing, then i consider that THIS IS A DIRECT AND QUITE OPEN CHALLENGE ON THE AUTHORITY, I type the words in capital letters just in case they miss this important point.
And just in case the readers forget, nobody openly challenges our authority with crime and gets away (easily).
Relevant readers, take note.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Ethan's Photos 19 Jan 2009

Ethan likes to eat...

And he gets pissed off when he realises the Chupa Chups doesn't taste particularly well...

It's not easy to get a clear shot when using handphone camera, there tends to be a lag between the click and actual shot, and especially when Ethan likes to move around.
Ethan savouring his long-awaited milk... 3-hour interval to be precise.. Usually, he'll start "requesting" for milk well before the 3-hour mark, and occassionally when Candy's not alert.. Kelvin will accede to Ethan's "request".. hehe..

Candy and Ethan ready to head back from Granddad's house to our house over the weekend.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Disgraceful State of Singapore Football
Last month I went to the Kallang Stadium to watch the 2nd leg of ASEAN cup, match between Singapore and Vietnam.
The Kallang spirit is still well alive. The match was played to a capacity crowd of more than 55,000 fans!
What loads of CRAP from the Singapore players!!!!!
No strategic awareness.
No confidence.
Zero technical skills.
Total Crap.
Total letdown.
I mean, I have never seen a match with so many BOUNCING BALLS!!!! When you let a ball in the air bounce before you react, that means you have no skills or no confidence in trapping the ball, or first-timing it/ or heading it to your fellow team-mates. Just watch a EPL match, and compare it to the Singapore-Vietnam match... I tell you one can vomit blood when one watch the latter.... I mean, occasionally Ferdinand or Vidic will let the ball bounce, but that is to trick the attacking players... But our Singapore players?, nbz, let ball bounce in opponents' half, let ball bounce in own half, let ball bounce in own penalty box, etc... they just let ball bounce and pray... what crap...
what can I say, except absolute disgraceful display of (non-existent) techical abilities from the Singapore players.
Strategy I can understand and lay blame on manager or coaching staff... But technical skills? NBZ... its all about the players themselves.... how much a player put into practising his technical skills will invariably be displayed in full during a competitive match. How much a player practises or train will invariably show how confident he is during a competitve match as well.
Therefore, with so many BOUNCING BALLS in a match, I can conclude conclusively that our current batch of Singapore players do not train or practise enough. As such they don't have the confidence or skill to trap/first-time/pass a flying ball in a competitve match. And there is only one word to describe the players - PlAIN LAZY (ok, two words).
The current batch of Singapore national players do not have the privilege of calling themselves Lions.
when you tell me you have "gained experience", or learnt from this or that" enough times, you are giving me excuses. YOU ARE IN THE NATIONAL TEAM FOR *&^%#!@ SAKE, WE EXPECT PERFORMANCE, NOT EXCUSES OK!
Bring back Fandi, bring back Malek Awab, bring back Sundram.
The Kallang spirit is still well alive. The match was played to a capacity crowd of more than 55,000 fans!
What loads of CRAP from the Singapore players!!!!!
No strategic awareness.
No confidence.
Zero technical skills.
Total Crap.
Total letdown.
I mean, I have never seen a match with so many BOUNCING BALLS!!!! When you let a ball in the air bounce before you react, that means you have no skills or no confidence in trapping the ball, or first-timing it/ or heading it to your fellow team-mates. Just watch a EPL match, and compare it to the Singapore-Vietnam match... I tell you one can vomit blood when one watch the latter.... I mean, occasionally Ferdinand or Vidic will let the ball bounce, but that is to trick the attacking players... But our Singapore players?, nbz, let ball bounce in opponents' half, let ball bounce in own half, let ball bounce in own penalty box, etc... they just let ball bounce and pray... what crap...
what can I say, except absolute disgraceful display of (non-existent) techical abilities from the Singapore players.
Strategy I can understand and lay blame on manager or coaching staff... But technical skills? NBZ... its all about the players themselves.... how much a player put into practising his technical skills will invariably be displayed in full during a competitive match. How much a player practises or train will invariably show how confident he is during a competitve match as well.
Therefore, with so many BOUNCING BALLS in a match, I can conclude conclusively that our current batch of Singapore players do not train or practise enough. As such they don't have the confidence or skill to trap/first-time/pass a flying ball in a competitve match. And there is only one word to describe the players - PlAIN LAZY (ok, two words).
The current batch of Singapore national players do not have the privilege of calling themselves Lions.
when you tell me you have "gained experience", or learnt from this or that" enough times, you are giving me excuses. YOU ARE IN THE NATIONAL TEAM FOR *&^%#!@ SAKE, WE EXPECT PERFORMANCE, NOT EXCUSES OK!
Bring back Fandi, bring back Malek Awab, bring back Sundram.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
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